Note: Times and locations are subject to change.
Saturday, September 15 |
Meeting: Organizing Committee Meeting |
Room 1169
Sunday, September 16 |
09:00 - 12:20
Tutorial: TUT-1: Distributed Video Coding for Low Cost Video Encoding |
Tutorial: TUT-2: Moments and Moments Invariants in Image Analysis |
Tutorial: TUT-3: Perceptual Metrics for Image Quality Evaluation |
Live Oak
Tutorial: TUT-4: Game Theoretic Approaches for Multi-User Multimedia Resource Allocation in Emerging Cognitive Radio Networks |
10:30 - 10:50
Break |
14:00 - 17:20
Tutorial: TUT-5: Scalable Video Coding and Networking |
Live Oak
Tutorial: TUT-6: Digital Image Forensics |
Tutorial: TUT-7: Image Processing Using FPGAs |
Tutorial: TUT-8: Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval |
15:30 - 15:50
Break |
18:30 - 21:00
Welcome Reception |
Alamo Plaza
Monday, September 17 |
08:00 - 09:15
Plenary: Compressive Sensing, Prof. Emmanuel J. Candes, California Institute of Technology |
Regency Ballroom East+Center
09:15 - 09:50
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer
09:50 - 12:50
Special Session: MA-L1: Video Coding for Next Generation Displays |
Rio Grande East
MA-L2: Image And Video Segmentation I |
Rio Grande Center
MA-L3: Video Coding I |
Rio Grande West
MA-L4: Image and Video Restoration |
MA-L5: Biometrics I |
Live Oak
MA-L6: Image and Video Storage and Retrieval I |
MA-P1: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing I: Coding and Processing |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
MA-P2: Active-Contour, Level-Set, and Cluster-Based Segmentation Methods |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
MA-P3: Image and Video Denoising |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
MA-P4: Biometrics II: Human Activity, Gait, Gaze Analysis |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
MA-P5: Security I: Authentication and Steganography |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
MA-P6: Image and Video Multiresolution Processing |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
MA-P7: Motion Detection and Estimation I |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
MA-P8: Image and Video Enhancement |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
11:10 - 11:30
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
12:50 - 14:30
Lunch (on your own) |
12:55 - 14:25
Meeting: IMDSP Committee Lunch Meeting |
14:30 - 17:30
Special Session: MP-L1: Distributed Source Coding I: Low Complexity Video Coding |
Rio Grande East
MP-L2: Image And Video Segmentation II: Texture Segmentation |
Rio Grande Center
MP-L3: Interpolation and Superresolution I |
Rio Grande West
MP-L4: Image and Video Modeling I |
MP-L5: Security II |
Live Oak
MP-L6: Image Scanning, Display, Printing, Color and Multispectral Processing I |
MP-P1: Image and Video Storage and Retrieval II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
MP-P2: Morphological, Level-Set, and Edge or Color Image/Video Segmentation |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
MP-P3: Scalable Video Coding |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
MP-P4: Image Coding I |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
MP-P5: Biometrics III: Fingerprints, Iris, Palmprints |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
MP-P6: Biomedical Imaging I |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
MP-P7: Motion Detection and Estimation II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
MP-P8: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing II: 3D Modeling & Synthesis |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
15:50 - 16:10
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
17:45 - 18:45
Student Reception |
18:00 - 19:00
Meeting: Publications Board Dinner |
19:00 - 23:30
Meeting: Publications Board Meeting |
Tuesday, September 18 |
08:00 - 09:15
Plenary: Survey of Automatic Face Recognition, Dr. P. Jonathon Phillips, National Institute of Standards & Technology |
Regency Ballroom East+Center
09:15 - 09:50
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer
09:50 - 12:50
Special Session: TA-L1: Distributed Source Coding II: Distributed Image and Video Coding and Their Applications |
Rio Grande East
TA-L2: Image and Video Segmentation III: Edge or Color Segmentation |
Rio Grande Center
TA-L3: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing III |
Rio Grande West
TA-L4: Image and Video Restoration and Enhancement I |
TA-L5: Biomedical Imaging II: MRI and Segmentation |
TA-L6: Image Coding II |
Live Oak
TA-P1: Video Surveillance I / Document Image Processing & Analysis |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
TA-P2: Security III: Watermarking |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
TA-P3: Image and Video Modeling II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
TA-P4: Video Object Segmentation and Tracking I |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
TA-P5: Video Coding II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
TA-P6: Image Scanning, Display, Printing, Color and Multispectral Processing II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
TA-P7: Image Color, Quality, and Display |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
TA-P8: Image and Video Restoration and Enhancement II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
11:10 - 11:30
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
12:50 - 14:30
Lunch (on your own) |
12:55 - 14:25
Meeting: T-IP Editorial Board Lunch Meeting |
13:00 - 14:00
Meeting: Super Forum Lunch |
Bowie C
14:00 - 18:00
Meeting: Super Forum Meeting |
Maverick A+B
14:30 - 17:30
Special Session: TP-L1: Challenges in Restoration for Media Production |
Rio Grande East
TP-L2: Image and Video Filtering and Multiresolution Processing |
TP-L3: H.264 Video Coding I |
Rio Grande Center
TP-L4: Geosciences and Remote Sensing I |
Live Oak
TP-L5: Biomedical Imaging III: Tomography |
TP-L6: Image Coding III |
Rio Grande West
TP-P1: Interpolation and Superresolution II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
TP-P2: Image & Video Communication I |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
TP-P3: Image and Video Segmentation IV |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
TP-P4: Image and Video Segmentation V |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
TP-P5: Image and Video Artifact Removal and Denoising |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
TP-P6: Security IV: Forensics, Watermarking, Cryptography |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
TP-P7: Biometrics IV: Face Recognition |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
TP-P8: Image and Video Storage and Retrieval III |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
15:50 - 16:10
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
Bus to Banquet |
Meet at hotel street entrance
18:30 - 22:00
Banquet |
Tower of the Americas
Wednesday, September 19 |
08:15 - 09:15
Plenary: An Overview of Digital Cinema, Prof. Michael W. Marcellin, University of Arizona |
Regency Ballroom East+Center
09:15 - 09:50
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer
09:50 - 12:50
Special Session: WA-L1: Image Processing and Analysis for Oncology |
Rio Grande East
WA-L2: Video Object Segmentation and Tracking II |
Rio Grande Center
WA-L3: Image & Video Communication II |
Live Oak
WA-L4: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing IV: Stereoscopic and 3-D Coding |
WA-L5: Video Surveillance II |
Rio Grande West
WA-L6: Implementation of Image and Video Processing Systems I |
WA-P1: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing V: Stereo Image Processing & Camera Calibration |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
WA-P2: Image and Video Filtering II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
WA-P3: H.264 Video Coding II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
WA-P4: Object Recognition I / Interpolation and Superresolution |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
WA-P5: Interpolation and Superresolution III |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
WA-P6: Geosciences and Remote Sensing II |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
WA-P7: Security V: Watermarking |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
WA-P8: Biomedical Imaging IV: Segmentation and Quantitative Analysis |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
11:10 - 11:30
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
12:50 - 14:30
Lunch (on your own) |
12:55 - 14:25
Meeting: Executive Committee Lunch Meeting |
Meeting: ICIP-to-ICIP Lunch Meeting |
Room 1169
14:30 - 17:30
Special Session: WP-L1: Soft Computing in Image Processing: Recent Advances |
Rio Grande East
WP-L2: Image and Video Segmentation VI |
Rio Grande Center
WP-L3: Video Coding III |
Rio Grande West
WP-L4: Security VI |
Live Oak
WP-L5: Motion Detection and Estimation III |
WP-L6: Object Recognition II |
WP-P1: Implementation of Image and Video Processing Systems II / Biomedical Imaging |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 1
WP-P2: Biomedical Imaging V: Molecular & Cellular Bioimaging / Segmentation |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 2
WP-P3: Video Object Segmentation and Tracking III / Video Shot/Scene Segmentation |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 3
WP-P4: Image and Video Storage and Retrieval IV |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 4
WP-P5: Image and Video Modeling III / Distributed Coding |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 5
WP-P6: Image Coding IV |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 6
WP-P7: Image & Video Communication III |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 7
WP-P8: Stereoscopic and 3D Processing VI |
Regency Ballroom: Poster Area 8
15:50 - 16:10
Break |
Rio Grande Foyer, Regency Foyer, A-Level Foyer
18:00 - 19:00
Meeting: Conference Board Dinner |
19:00 - 23:30
Meeting: Conference Board Meeting |
Thursday, September 20 |
08:00 - 12:00
Meeting: Board of Governors Meeting |
Maverick B
12:00 - 13:00
Meeting: Board of Governors Lunch |
Maverick A
13:00 - 17:00
Meeting: Board of Governors Meeting (cont.) |
Maverick B