Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar, University of California, Los Angeles and Dr. Sai Shankar N, Qualcomm Incorporated
The increasing popularity of radio communication networks over the last years indicates that there will be an ever-increasing demand for radio communication networks providing high capacity communication. Spectrum policy in the US and Europe is undergoing radical rethinking, The “Spectrum policy initiative” has been recently announced having a mandate to issue a set of recommendations on how to better manage the spectrum in the 21st century within the next year. This tutorial will discuss the potential and challenges associated with deploying a new approach for radio regulation for improved utilization of radio resources, referred to as cognitive radios. We believe that this tutorial will provide timely insight to the communications, networking and multimedia communities in the challenges, research opportunities as well as the principles and designs that will drive multi-user streaming over these emerging networks.
This tutorial discusses the challenges, principles and standards involved in building an efficient framework for multi-user wireless communications in cognitive radio networks. Especially, we will discuss how this framework can provide support for delay-sensitive audio-visual applications of competing wireless users. Cognitive radio technology will improve the spectral efficiency and thus enable new high-bandwidth multimedia applications to obtain an improved audio-visual quality, as well as a power-scalable performance. We will then outline the architecture of a cognitive radio network and how this architecture includes a transition architecture that takes care of backward compatibility in the short term with the existing devices. Then we turn our attention to the multi-user resource allocation in competitive wireless settings, where there are different radios with different capabilities and different application requirements. Such a resource allocation problem is then solved with the aid of game-theory and multi-agent learning. The results will be used to explain what should be the guidelines for emerging applications, MAC and physical layer technologies and protocols. These inferences will also be translated to efficient coexistence strategies among different cognitive radio networks.
After taking this course, attendees will gain a clear understanding of the emerging cognitive radio technologies and the challenges involved in developing multi-user resource management solutions that are efficient for dynamic, time-varying applications. More specifically, this course fulfils the need often cited by telecommunication professionals and researchers in the area of wireless networking and multimedia streaming, of providing a comprehensive understanding of how multimedia can be efficiently transmitted over cognitive radio networks in a multi-user setting. We will conclude the tutorial by reviewing different open issues and research challenges that will hopefully catalyze new research efforts.
In summary, the tutorial will provide insight into
The course is intended for students, professionals and researchers in the image processing, networking and communications industries, especially those with interest in wireless multimedia streaming solutions and new wireless communications techniques and standards.
Mihaela van der Schaar is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at UCLA, where she leads the Multimedia Communications and Systems Laboratory. Her research interests span several areas, including multimedia networking, multi-user communication, cross-layer design, resource management in communication and systems, and game theory. She was an active participant and chair in the ISO MPEG international standard since 1999, to which she made more than 50 contributions and for which she received three ISO recognition awards. She is an Associate Editor of several IEEE Transactions and magazines. She holds 30 granted US patents. She received the NSF CAREER Award in 2004, IBM Faculty Award in 2005 and 2007, Okawa Foundation Award in 2006, Best IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Paper Award in 2005, and Most Cited Paper Award from EURASIP Journal Signal Processing: Image Communication between the years 2004-2006. She is also the editor (with Phil Chou) of the book "Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks: Compression, Networking, and Systems”.
Sai Shankar N received his PhD degree from the department of Electrical Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in the area of ATM networks. In 1998, he was awarded the German Fellowship, DAAD, in the department of mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany to work on queuing approaches in manufacturing. Currently, he is with Qualcomm and works on issues related to UWB, MIMO, Mesh Networking, Cognitive Radio, Viral communications and Cooperative networking. He made numerous contributions to the IEEE 802.11e wireless LAN standard andUltra Wide Band MAC working group of Multi-Band OFDM Alliance (MBOA) and is the author of the new MBOA MAC. He has authored more than 50 conference and journal papers, 35 accepted standard contributions and has filed more than 50 patents. He was nominated as one of the five finalists by EETimes in the Innovator of the Year category in year 2005.