2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

TUT-6: Digital Image Forensics

Date: Sunday Afternoon, September 16, 14:00 - 17:20
Location: Pecos

Presented by

Yun Q. Shi, New Jersey Institute of Technology


In our digital age, digital media have been being massively produced, easily manipulated, and swiftly transmitted to almost anywhere in the world at anytime. While the great convenience has been appreciated, information assurance has become an urgent and critical issue faced by the digital world. The data hiding, cryptography, and combination of both have been shown not sufficient in many applications. Digital data forensics, which gathers evidence of data composition, origin, and history, is hence called for. Although this new research field is still in its infancy stage, it has started to attract increasing attention from the multimedia-security research community.

In this tutorial, firstly, blind and passive image tampering detection is addressed. After pointing out the urgency of this task, the state-of-the-art technologies are presented. The existing problems and future research subjects are discussed. Secondly, a related area of forensics, steganalysis, is introduced and its newest status in research is presented. The relationship between image tampering detection and steganalysis is analyzed. Finally, the issue of detection of JPEG compression history for bmp images is addressed. It is shown that a generalized Benford law, also known as the first digit law, can play an important role in this forensics task. For example, it can be effectively used for JPEG double compression detection.

This tutorial aims at presenting to image processing community the new research area, Digital Image Forensics. Through presenting the above-mentioned three aspects, this tutorial will provide audience a fundamental base on this challenging research area so that more prosperous research can be invoked in future, thus contributing to image/multimedia authentication and information assurance.

Speaker Biography

Dr. Yun Q. Shi is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology since 1987. He obtained his B.S. degree and M.S. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China; his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Pittsburgh, PA. His research interests include visual signal processing and communications, digital multimedia data hiding and information assurance, theory of multidimensional systems and signal processing. Some of his research projects have been supported by several federal and New Jersey State funding agencies. He is an author/coauthor of 200 papers, a book on Image and Video Compression, three book chapters on Image Data Hiding and one book chapter on Digital Image Processing. He holds two US patents and has additional 20 US patents pending. He was technical program chair of ICME07, co-chair of IWDW06, IWDW07, MMSP05, co-general chair of MMSP02, and is a Fellow of IEEE.

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