2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

Exhibitor Invitation

The full exhibitor prospectus is available in PDF format.

Organizations are invited to exhibit at the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing at the Hyatt Grand Regency in San Antonio, Texas. It is expected that over 1,000 participants will join in the combined technical program and product exposition, as well as other special events. The exhibit area is strategically located with respect to the main traffic flow of the conference activites.

Conference DatesSeptember 16-19, 2007
Exhibition Dates (Tentative)September 17-19, 2007
Expected number of delegates1,000 engineers, scientists, and professionals
Exhibition LocationHyatt Regency San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas
Exhibit Booth Specifications 8 feet deep by 10 feet wide (regular booth)
Booth Pricing
Early Registration (By July 3, 2007)$800 USD per regular booth
Regular Registration (After July 3, 2007)$950 USD per regular booth
Please inquire about multi-booth discounts.

Each exhibitor will be provided a display booth, an identification sign, a skirted table with two chairs, daily aisle cleaning, nightly security, and one complimentary copy of the CD-ROM proceedings.

General inquiries and exhibitor registration should be directed to:

ICIP 2007 Exhibits
Conference Management Services, Inc.
Attn: Bryan Stewart or Christopher Garza
3833 South Texas Avenue, Suite 221
Bryan, Texas 77802-4015 USA
(979) 846-6800 (phone)
(979) 846-6900 (fax)

©2016 Conference Management Services, Inc. -||- email: webmaster@icip2007.com -||- Last updated Tuesday, January 30, 2007