2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image Scanning, Display, Printing, Color and Multispectral Processing II
Time:Tuesday, September 18, 09:50 - 12:30
Presentation: Poster
Authors: Tae-Hyoung Lee; Kyungpook National University 
 Oh-Seol Kwon; Kyungpook National University 
 Kee-Hyon Park; Kyungpook National University 
 Yeong-Ho Ha; Kyungpook National University 
Abstract: The human eye usually experiences a loss of color sensitivity when it is subjected to high levels of luminance, and perceives a discrepancy in color between high and normal-luminance displays, generally known as a hue shift. Accordingly, this paper models the hue-shift phenomenon and proposes a hue-correction method to provide perceptual matching between high and normal-luminance displays. To quantify the hue-shift phenomenon for the whole hue angle, 24 color patches with the same lightness are first created and equally spaced inside the hue angle. These patches are then displayed one-by-one on both displays with different luminance levels. Next, the hue value for each patch appearing on the high-luminance display is adjusted by observers until the hue values for the patches on both displays appear the same visually. After obtaining the hue-shift values from the color matching experiment, these values are fit piecewisely into seven sinusoidal functions to allow shifted-hue amounts to be approximately determined for arbitrary hue values of pixels in a high-luminance display and then used for correction. Essentially, an input RGB image is converted to CIELAB LCh (lightness, chroma, and hue) color space to obtain the hue values for all the pixels, then these hue values are shifted according to the amount calculated by the functions of the hue-shift model. Finally, the corrected image is inversely converted to an output RGB image. For evaluation, a matching experiment was performed using several test images and z-score comparisons.

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