2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image & Video Communication I
Time:Tuesday, September 18, 14:30 - 17:10
Presentation: Poster
Authors: Chunbo Zhu; University of Science and Technology of China 
 Ye-Kui Wang; Nokia Research Center 
 Houqiang Li; University of Science and Technology of China 
Abstract: We present several efficient adaptive redundant picture coding methods for error resilient video coding. In our previous work, redundant picture coding in combining with reference picture selection, reference picture list reordering and hierarchical redundant picture allocation was proposed. This paper investigates how to allocate redundant pictures more efficiently according to the content characteristics of the primary pictures. Simulation results show that the adaptive redundant picture coding methods can achieve average PSNR improvements around 2 to 4 dB compared to the loss-aware rate distortion optimized (LA-RDO) intra macroblock refresh implemented in H.264/AVC Joint Model (JM). This paper also asserts that the methods do not introduce any additional end-to-end delay, therefore suit for low-delay applications such as video telephony and video conferencing, which demand better error resilience than other applications.

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