2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image Scanning, Display, Printing, Color and Multispectral Processing II
Time:Tuesday, September 18, 09:50 - 12:30
Presentation: Poster
Authors: Keigo Hirakawa; Harvard University 
 Patrick Wolfe; Harvard University 
Abstract: In digital image display devices, data are typically presented via a spatial subsampling procedure implemented as a color filter array, a physical construction whereby each light emitting element controls the intensity level of only a single color. In this paper, we examine the problem of color filter array design with respect to spatial resolution and human vision; in doing so we quantify the fundamental limitations of existing designs by explicitly considering the spectral wavelength representation induced by the choice of array pattern, and propose a framework for designing and analyzing alternative patterns that minimize aliasing. An empirical evaluations on standard color test image confirms our theoretical results, and indicates the potential of these patterns to significantly increase spatial resolution while at the same time improving color image fidelity.

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