2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. - September 16-19, 2007

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image and Video Segmentation VI
Time:Wednesday, September 19, 16:30 - 16:50
Presentation: Lecture
Authors: Frank Wallhoff; Technische Universität München 
 Martin Russ; Technische Universität München 
 Gerhard Rigoll; Technische Universität München 
 Johann Goebel; EADS 
 Hermann Diehl; EADS 
Abstract: Aiming at improving image segmentation and extending regular computer vision algorithms an image sensor, acquiring additional depth information is deployed. The novel Photonic Mixer Device (PMD) technology will be summarized, by which it becomes possible to measure the observed object's distance to the camera. Motivated by expanding and making existing image processing and segmentation algorithms more robust, the additional depth information is overlapped with the image map gained by a regular camera system. Due to the fact of the used cameras are displaced and have different image resolutions, a sophisticated calibration algorithm will be introduced. By applying improved algorithms to applications, such as people counting, gesture recognition, and barrier detection its effectiveness will be shown.

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